The PREFARENZEN journal 6.0 is here!

The PREFARENZEN journal in the language versions German, English and Italian, arranged in stacks and lying on a brown surface.

The PREFARENZEN journal has been inspiring a large readership in all PREFA countries with many interesting topics and stories for three years. It is particularly popular with people who like to travel, enjoy beautiful things and are interested in how progressive design with aluminium can get under your skin. The sixth issue presents the Czech Republic, a country where PREFA is also at home: it amazes with its design standards, some of which have stood the test of time, while others have changed over the ages. Make sure to also discover the other articles, country by country, page by page.


Order the journal now in your favourite language German, English, Italian or Czech.

The PREFARENZEN journal and its banderole next to it on a brown surface.
The journal lying open on a brown surface; the centerfold introducing the article "Small. Red. Unique!" can be seen.
The back of the journal, which shows part of a turtle and the PREFA logo.

Further Information:

Text: PREFARENZEN editorial team
Photos: Croce & Wir