Sea rescue centre in Sweden: Reference objects


After 15 years without a station house of their own, 2019 marked the start of a new chapter for the sea rescuers at the RS Hjälmaren rescue station on Sweden's fourth-largest lake. With the help of many supporters and a combined effort, an old barge was transformed into an attractive station house with a red aluminium shell.

Since the lake with an extension of 477km² is covered in ice for around half of the year, the floating building in the centre of Sweden has to be able to withstand extreme weather conditions. In the case of the station house, wind and waves put far more strain on the façades and structure than would be the case on land. For this reason, the robust PREFA rhomboid roof and façade tiles 29×29 in the matching colour P.10 oxide red were chosen in order to clad the lifeboat station.

Data & facts


Rhomboid roof tile 29 × 29, Rhomboid façade tile 29 × 29


05 P.10 oxide red


White Arkitekter AB


Bäckaskogs Plåt AB





Object type

Public buildings & other facilities


© PREFA | Croce & Wir

PREFA rhomboid roof tiles 29 × 29 in P.10 anthracite with beading installed as a surface, roof with scaly appearance

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