What is PREFA quality and the PREFA guarantee?
The complete system from PREFA, comprising 5,000 different products, allows you to create a homogeneous and harmonious building according to your own vision. All the products and all the installation accessories and additional articles are perfectly coordinated with one another and delivered together. This ensures that all the parts match perfectly and that the finished result meets the highest standards in terms of quality and appearance. With P.10, PREFA has also developed a colour-fast surface that meets the most exacting quality standards.
Up to 40-year guarantee: a powerful promise
The weather forecast for the next 40 years is roughly 75,000 hours of sun and 35,000 litres of rain per square metre.
Wow – it’s a good job you chose PREFA to weather the storm! Because we’re the only supplier offering up to 40-year guarantees on colours and materials for our roofs and façades.
So you can rest easy knowing you have the best possible protection against breakage, corrosion (rust), frost damage, chipping and blistering.
40-year material guarantee
We offer a 40-year guarantee on the base material in the following products:
- PREFA roofing elements (PREFA roof tiles, R.16 roof tiles, shingles, DS.19 shingle, 29 × 29/44 × 44 rhomboid roof tiles, FX.12 roof panels);
- PREFA double standing seam roofing (PREFALZ);
- PREFA roof drainage (gutters and pipes); and
- PREFA façade elements (sidings, Siding.X, 20 x 20/29 × 29/44 × 44 rhomboid façade tiles, façade shingle, FX.12 façade panels, zig-zag profiles, profile shafts).
This guarantee protects against breakage, corrosion (rust) and frost damage.

40-year colour guarantee
We offer a 40-year guarantee on the PREFA P.10 surface finish on the following products:
- PREFA roofing elements (PREFA roof tiles, R.16 roof tiles, shingles, DS.19 shingle, 29 × 29/44 × 44 rhomboid roof tiles, FX.12 roof panels);
- PREFA double standing seam roofing (PREFALZ);
- PREFA façade parts (sidings, Siding.X, 20 x 20/29 × 29/44 × 44 rhomboid façade tiles, façade shingle, FX.12 façade panels);
- PREFA roof drainage (gutters and pipes); and
- PREFABOND aluminium composite panels.
This guarantee protects against chipping, peeling, blistering and breaking.

40-year colour guarantee & 20-year material guarantee : For PREFABOND aluminium composite panels
Colour guarantee
- All PREFABOND aluminium composite panels in P.10 colours come with a PREFA colour guarantee. PREFA guarantees that the P.10 surface finish on its PREFABOND aluminium composite panels will show no visible signs of chipping, peeling, blistering and breaking for the duration of the 40-year guarantee period.
Material guarantee
- PREFA guarantees, for a period of 20 years, that its PREFABOND aluminium composite panels will not develop any defects that could cause the material to delaminate to such an extent that the surface becomes visibly uneven.

Have you already had a PREFA roof, façade or roof drainage system installed on your house?: If so, ask for your free guarantee certificate.
Please note:
- The guarantee only enters into force with a successfully issued guarantee certificate.
- The guarantee period begins from the invoice date from the PREFA partner to the customer.
- The guarantee applies only if original PREFA parts have been used.
- The guarantee certificate cannot be issued any later than one year after the invoice date.