The art of equilibrium

The old town of Göttingen from a bird’s eye view: It is remarkable how nicely the aluminium trays of the new art museum fit in with the rusty red tiled roofscape around the St. Nikolai church – in a calm, elegant and refreshingly unpretentious way. The architects Silvia Schellenberg-Thaut and Sebastian Thaut from Atelier ST knew very early on that the complex roof would become a vital feature of the entire exhibition building. And they were right: Thanks to the durable Prefalz roof, which they combined with a beige combed plaster façade, they were able to realise exceptional architecture on the narrow space they had that is making waves both historically and internationally. And through it all, they managed to skilfully balance art and pragmatism.


You can find the extensive article about the art museum in Göttingen in the PREFARENZEN book 2023.

The art museum from a frog's eye view from the side, with historical buildings next to it.
A close-up of the comb plaster façade with "kunsthaus göttingen" written on it in small, bronze letters.
Portrait of the architects Silvia Schellenberg-Thaut and Sebastian Thaut from Atelier ST with models at their office.

Silvia Schellenberg-Thaut and Sebastian Thaut from Atelier ST.

Further Information:

Text: Anneliese Heinisch 
Photos: Croce & Wir