Prefarenzen: Showpieces of European architecture

PREFARENZEN - The magazine for architects

This magazine is aimed at architects and planners.
We show you how PREFA materials are used for creative, technically perfect and sustainable architecture.

A team of specialist journalists and photographers visit architects in all PREFA countries, report on outstanding projects, the motives of the builders and the cooperation with the installers. In addition, you can find out all about current and future PREFARENZEN events, to which you are also welcome.

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Does your project have what it takes to become a PREFARENZEN project?: PREFARENZEN submission

By submitting your PREFA project you have a chance of becoming part of the PREFARENZEN world.

Auf dem Bild sind die PREFARENZEN mit beeindruckenden Beispielen für moderne Architektur mit dem Baustoff Aluminium, vor weißem Hintergrund, zu sehen.


Order the PREFA architectural brochure featuring interviews with architects and spectacular buildings. Or ask for the architect folder which contains details about all our products.